There are thousands of small businesses springing up daily, and it has raised the level of competition between these small businesses. After a while, some businesses survive and grow to a higher level, while some crumble and become extinct.

Marketing tools have been proven to serve as a competitive edge for small business owners, and there are many of these marketing tools that you probably have not heard of such as logocreator and mailchimp. These tools can make you stand out amongst your competitors if you apply them appropriately. 


  1. Trello

This is a marketing tool that is important in project management. It also helps you relay important information to your team members so that you all can be on the same page. For example, if you are into blogging, Trello gives you the privilege of sharing your blog posts before publishing them. By doing this, your team members can review the post and give their feedback. Changes can then be made if necessary before you publish the post. 


  1. HubSpot

HubSpot is a marketing tool that provides marketing software solutions. It is regarded as an all-in-one marketing software because it provides access to tools that are helpful in SEO, landing pages, websites, blogging, marketing automation, e-mails, and social media. HubSpot saves you the stress of pulling yourself in many directions, making it easy for you as a small business owner to find success in your early days.


  1. Google Analytics

This is arguably one of the most powerful marketing tools available. Google Analytics gives you the ability to monitor every action taken by every visitor on your website. It is also not too hard to understand, and it takes a few minutes for the Analytics code to be added to your website. An example of Google Analytics’s application is finding out how well some particular set of keywords are doing for your organic traffic. With this, you will make sure utmost attention is paid to those keywords in the future. Another example is realizing that a social media campaign is driving a lot of traffic to your site. With this available data, you can tweak your future strategy so that you can capture similar results.


  1. Crazy Egg

This is a marketing tool that you can use to make changes to your website to generate better results. You don’t need much knowledge of Information Technology to use the tool. Spending countless hours trying to fix IT issues can be stressful. Still, the Crazy Egg tool has some essential features that you would find very useful, such as analysis and reporting, targeting and personalization, platforms and integrations, research and user feedback, heatmaps and mouse recording. These features help in fixing those issues. It also helps you in understanding the likes and dislikes of your website visitors.


  1. CoFoundersLab

This is a marketing tool that plays the role of taking small businesses to the next level. This tool uses Artificial Intelligence to find an additional member, a co-founder, or an advisor. It helps small business owners create a large ecosystem that includes consultants, entrepreneurs, and advisors to make their work easier. It is, therefore, easier to find whatever you need at your current level in your business. An example where the CoFoundersLab tool is applied is if you need an SEO content creator. You just fill out the criteria required and be instantly connected to a person that fits those criteria. It can also connect you with someone who can financially back your business.


As a small business owner, running your business might seem difficult. However, applying these marketing tools to your business will surely go a long way in improving your business and making you stand out amongst your competitors.


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