Legal templates
Company Constitutions
Company Constitution Templates
The Constitution of a Company is a legally required document that governs the running of the Company. It covers matters including-
- Structure
- Objectives
- Directors Roles,
- Power and Entitlements
- Meetings
- Voting
- Classes of Shares
- Transferring Shares,
- Cancellation of Shares
- Profits and Dividends
- General administration
The Constitution for a Company usually needs to be retained with the Company Records. All constitutions are fully formatted in Microsoft word, ready to download edit and use
Public company constitution
A Public Company Constitution Agreement differs from a proprietary Limited company by being able to have more than 50 shareholders.
pty ltd company constitution
A Proprietary Company (a Company Limited by Shares) must have a constitution. It doesn’t need to be lodged with ASIC, but a copy must be kept with the company’s records.