Bundle your Sale of Business and Save!
There is more than one way to sell your business. We have more than one kind of Contract. Whether its an asset sale or a sale or shares in company as well we have all the types of contract you are likely to need. Buy more than one agreement and get 40% off. Choose from everything on our business agreements page:
- Contract for Sale of Business Template
- Sale of Business + Shares
- Special Conditions for Sale of Business
- Asset Sale Agreement
- Sale of Online Business
- Sale of Business Service Agreement
Are you sure your Will is Legal?
There is a difference between a legal will and a will that works. A legal will is one that gives your property away to other people after you die. A will that works is one that gives it to the people you want to receive it. A legal will can still work to give your...
Life as a Solicitor
When Shakespeare wrote in Henry VI ‘first…kill all the lawyers,’ he was writing at a time where the monarch reigned supreme, and laws were quite literally the dictates of the ruler of the day – sometimes formulated at the whim of the king or queen. But much as...
DIY Legal Documents
‘Doing it yourself’ has become possible in many fields of endeavour, thanks to the internet. The internet has become humanity’s repository of knowledge and resources. It is now possible to download the knowledge, plans and tips to do anything from building treehouses...
Seven Factors For Business Success
1. Attracting Clients Every business needs reliable, legal ways of attracting new clients. 2. Client / customer Selection You must select which clients you work for or deliver to. Avoid ‘adverse selection’ engaging with those clients who end up costing...