Bundle your Sale of Business and Save!
There is more than one way to sell your business. We have more than one kind of Contract. Whether its an asset sale or a sale or shares in company as well we have all the types of contract you are likely to need. Buy more than one agreement and get 40% off. Choose from everything on our business agreements page:
- Contract for Sale of Business Template
- Sale of Business + Shares
- Special Conditions for Sale of Business
- Asset Sale Agreement
- Sale of Online Business
- Sale of Business Service Agreement
Prenups & Family Law Explained
Using Binding Financial Agreements to avoid forsed Estate Planning Imposed by the Family Court. Peter Szabo Family Law Peter is an acknowledged leader among Family Lawyers. He has been at the cutting edge in the development of Family Law. He was involved in the...
The Hidden Cost of Relationship Breakdown to the Business Community
A lot has been written on the huge financial impact sickness, workplace accidents and the like have on the business community. However, very little attention has been given to the effects a breakdown of a relationship has on a person’s office productivity. Up to 50%...
Time running out for Baby Boomers
Inheritances are a plump target for the Outlaws (the ex in-laws ) in a relationship breakdown. The Baby Boomers are at thestage where their assets have to be passed down the line. This usually happens by Wills or gifts to their children during their lifetime. Download...
Distributor Agreement Bundle
Our Distributor Agreements Bundle now available on Precedents Online A distributorship (or dealership) is an agreement between two independent parties, the vendor and distributor. The distributor has a contract to stock the vendor's product. The distributor...