• Specific Year

SUCCESSION ACT 2006 - SECT 5 Minimum age for making a will


Minimum age for making a will

5 Minimum age for making a will

(cf WPA 6 and 6B)

(1) A will made by a minor is not valid.
(2) Despite subsection (1):
(a) a minor may make a will in contemplation of marriage (and may alter or revoke such a will) but the will is of no effect if the marriage contemplated does not take place, and
(b) a minor who is married may make, alter or revoke a will, and
(c) a minor who has been married may revoke the whole or any part of a will made while the minor was married or in contemplation of that marriage.
(3) Subsection (1) does not apply to a will made by an order under section 16 (Court may authorise minor to make, alter or revoke a will).