• Specific Year

CONVEYANCING ACT 1919 - SECT 145 Charges on property of deceased to be paid primarily out of the property charged


Charges on property of deceased to be paid primarily out of the property charged

145 Charges on property of deceased to be paid primarily out of the property charged

(1) Where a person dies after the commencement of the Conveyancing (Amendment) Act 1930 possessed of or entitled to, or, under a general power of appointment by his or her will disposes of--
(a) property, which at the time of his or her death is charged with the payment of money, whether by way of legal mortgage, equitable charge, or otherwise (including a lien for unpaid purchase money), or
(b) land in respect of which there is owing at the time of his or her death any money under a contract of purchase whether from the Crown or not,
and the deceased has not by will, deed, or other document signified a contrary or other intention, the property so charged shall, as between the different persons claiming through the deceased, be primarily liable for the payment of the charge; and every part of the property, according to its value, shall bear a proportionate part of the charge on the whole thereof.
(2) Such contrary or other intention shall not be deemed to be signified--
(a) by a general direction for the payment of debts or of all the debts of the testator out of the testator's personal estate or the testator's residuary real and personal estate, or the testator's residuary real estate, or
(b) by a charge of debts upon any such estate,
unless such intention is further signified by words expressly or by necessary implication referring to all or some part of the charge.
(3) Nothing in this section affects the right of a person entitled to the charge to obtain payment or satisfaction thereof either out of the other assets of the deceased or otherwise.