Written by Practicing Lawyers in Australia
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Share Transfer


A Share Transfer – a simple one page document evidencing the transferor, transferee, date of transfer and consideration. It usually refers to a more complex document called an Agreement for Sale of Shares. This more complex document usually contains all the detailed terms and conditions of the sale.


Also Included is a Share Sale Checklist.

Includes 10% tax

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Includes 10% tax

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Precedents Online sells legal documents to  the legal profession and businesses in Australia. The documents  have been created by practising lawyers and are for immediate purchase online.

All legal precedents sold on this site are available for immediate use and have been drafted by practicing lawyers and kept up to date with changes in the law.

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A Leader In The Industry

Eric Kalde is the author of over 300 +  practice guides published through the leading Australian legal publishers Precedents Online.
Lawyers all over Australia rely on Eric Kalde’s precedents and practice guides in their legal practice.