Crafted by legal professionals in Australia, our documents are not only legally sound but also easily customisable to suit your specific requirements. With each purchase, receive a free legal drafting booklet to guide you through the editing process seamlessly.

Online Advertising Agreement

What is included

Heads of agreement & MOU are pre-contract documents used prior to entering into a more ‘formal’ contract. Non-disclosure agreements are also used as pre-contractual documents and are covered in a separate collection dealing with confidentiality (see Confidentiality Agreements).

‘Heads of agreement Australia’ (HOA) and ‘memorandum of understanding’ (MOU) are terms used interchangeably to cover any agreement that is entered into prior to entering into a contract. This may be desirable where the parties are in the early stages of negotiation and wish to confirm the basic points of their agreement.  HOA’s and MOU’s are most commonly used in the following circumstances:20

  1. Commercial Leasing
  2. Sale of business
  3. Joint ventures
  4. Sale of shares
  5. Distribution Agreements / supply agreements / manufacturing agreements

The Heads of Agreement, although not a fully fledged contract, can still contain binding commitments.

Heads of Agreement Australia


A Heads of Agreement precedent for general use. Includes provisions relating to:

  • Subject to contract
  • Payment of costs
  • Terms to be included in contract
  • Form of contract included as Annexure  A

4 pages long.

Includes GST


Comprehensive Coverage

Our bundle includes all necessary documents to cover various financial scenarios, ensuring you have everything you need in one place.

Free With Every Purchase

Our legal drafting booklet to guide you through the necessary steps in editing your documents.

Easy Customisation

Each document is designed to be easily editable, allowing you to tailor the agreements to your specific needs without hassle.

Legally Sound

All our documents are crafted by legal professionals and adhere to Australian legal standards, giving you confidence in their validity.



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