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Anthony Jucha started practising in 1997 as part of the litigation department of Finlaysons – a member of the Allens Arthur Robinson Group. Anthony worked as in house counsel at FH Faulding & Co

Limited and moved to London to work as in house counsel for Shell International Limited. He returned to Australia and worked for small commercial law firms in Adelaide and the Redfern Legal Centre in Sydney before establishing Jucha Legal. As the Principal of Jucha Legal, Anthony has since assisted Adelaide Brighton Limited, Sydney Airport Corporation Limited, BlueScope Steel Limited, the Royal Automobile Association Inc, Avnet Pacific Pty Ltd, Lynas Corporation and a number of other large and small corporations.

Jucha Legal - Anthony Jucha - Author

Jucha Legal – Anthony Jucha

Kalde & Associates Commercial Lawyers

Eric Kalde has over 20 years experience as a commercial lawyer. The firm is based in Crows Nest and covers a wide range of commercial law. He is our most prolific author. Previously a best-selling author on Smokeball, prior to publishing on our site.