Legal templates

Loan Agreements

Included Free with Your Download

Loan Calculator

A loan calculator that enables you to calculate the repayments and a repayment schedule for the loan. Simply enter the loan amount, interest rate, term, commencement date and our loan amortisation will calculate monthly repayment AND give you a schedule of all repayments over the life of the loan including the due dates!



ppsr loan agreement


This PPSR Loan Agreement Template provides the precedents needed to create loans secured by registration on the personal property security register (PPSR).

general loan agreement


A Simple Loan Agreement for an unsecured loan.

mortgage loan agreement


A comprehensive (38 page) Mortgage Loan Agreement that may be used as a stand-alone document

Family Loan Agreement


 A General Family Loan Agreement

division 7a loan


This agreement includes documents of borrowing money from a private company.

mortgage loan agreement (short)


 A short 10 Page Mortgage Loan Agreement.  

memorandum of common provisions


Regular use is made of a Memorandum of Common Provisions (MCP) to include provisions in Instruments and plans e.g. 

Private Loan Agreement


A Private Loan Agreement, can be between friends or co-workers for example.

A Leader In The Industry

Eric Kalde is the author of over 300 +  practice guides published through the leading Australian legal publishers Precedents Online.
Lawyers all over Australia rely on Eric Kalde’s precedents and practice guides in their legal practice.

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