The National Cabinet Mandatory Code Of Conduct has now passed into law.  Landlords and tenants have been negotiating agreements regarding rent and shutdowns due to the coronavirus. There is now legislation governing payment of rent during the current economic shutdowns. This has brought more certainty to who is included in the provisions and who is not. More clarity has been added to the Code.

Our popular Covid 19 Leasing Practice Guide now includes commentary on the new law. New precedents have also been added.

The precedent set includes letters to tenants, an application form for rent relief and a Deed for the Temporary Variation of a Lease. A concise Practice Guide and a copy of the Code is also included.

The Practice Guides answer such questions as:

What are the new prohibitions and restrictions under the new legislation?

What about issues arising from non-pandemic reasons?

What is the difference between a waiver and a deferral?

What rules apply to deferrals and waivers which one should I implement?

What rules apply to deferrals and waivers and when should I implement?

Must a tenant still pay outgoings?

Outgoings must be paid unless a tenant is unable to trade.

What happens if a landlord and tenant cannot agree?

When do these obligations start and when do they finish?

What happens to new leases entered into after the Code came into effect?

What do you do about tenants who were in arrears before the Code came into effect?


This package includes a practice guide on the National Cabinet Mandatory Code Of Conduct and a further practice guide on the subsequent laws enacted in New South Wales. When you purchase this guide you receive all practice guides and precedents emailed to you immediately.

You also have the option to subscribe to monthly updates at a cost of $22.00 per month. You may terminate your subscription at any time.

For existing customers that have already purchased the package and would like to subscribe for updates

Precedents included in the package:

  1. Letter  –  precedent – initial response to a tenant who approaches landlord for a rent reduction
  2. Letter –  precedent – to landlord advising
  3. Application form for rent relief
  4. Letter from landlord to tenant in holding over
  5. Letter from landlord to tenant requesting information
  6. Letter from landlord to tenant with two years or less to run on the lease
  7. Deed of Temporary Variation of Lease – precedent
  8. Practice guide
  9. Copy of the National Cabinet Mandatory Code of Conduct

This precedent set gives you forms, letters and a Deed for the Temporary Variation of a Lease that can be used for commercial tenancies, industrial tenancies and retail tenancies.

$220.00 including GST and then $22.00 per month

For existing customers that have already purchased the package and would like to subscribe for updates.  Please fill in form below and we will send you link for membership without sign up fee.  All you are charged is the $22.00 per month


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